Category: Sustainability, ESG

  • Regulation of Energy Market?

    Before I came to this country, I was accustomed to a single electricity utility who held all the power. Pun, intended, the utility could switch you off, make huge mistakes on your bills (which you had to pay regardless), and make you queue to pay your bill in person. Not to mention the regular power…

  • Mid-Life Purpose

    The past two quarters have whizzed by!  As a social entrepreneur in residence, I had hoped to learn a lot, and was not disappointed. Our first month comprised a wide array of speakers and meetings ranging from dementia, arthritis, polypharmacy, hearing loss, loneliness, care, to inclusive design, career ageism and longer working lives. Sadly within…

  • Caring For Tomorrow

    As the summer ends, I’m about to take a path less travelled. Taking a break from SMBs and fintech, I’ll be joining a six-month social entrepreneurship mission focused on exploring how we could add quality to later life. While a fairly wide area to cover, experience over the past few years pushes me towards care,…

  • Informally Social Care

    In a previous post, I mentioned the spectre of social care – our first encounter with this was during the process of establishing suitability for discharge for my mother from hospital in 2018. My mother had lived with us for years, and as her primary support in navigating the care system, I was her informal…

  • Disintegrated Care – Part 3

    This post is a condensed version of scribblings and notes I have taken over the past year, more as a way for me to make sense of all the efforts expended to an elderly person navigate the care system in the UK.  Some of the details are already growing hazy, while some, I would rather…

  • Disintegrated Care – Part 2

    This post is a condensed version of scribblings, notes and letters written over the past year – more as a way for me to make sense of all the efforts expended to support an elderly person navigate the care system in the UK. Some of the details are already growing hazy, while some, I would…

  • Disintegrated Care – Part 1

    This post is a condensed version of scribblings, notes and letters written over the past year, more as a way for me to make sense of all the efforts expended to an elderly person navigate the care system in the UK.  Some of the details are already growing hazy, while some, I would rather just…

  • Rolling downhill

    This post is a condensed version of scribblings and notes I have taken over the past year, more as a way for me to make sense of all the efforts expended to support an elderly person navigate the care system in the UK.  Some of the details are already growing hazy, while some, I would…